May 30, 2005 -- Honorable Mention -- DW Log Out | Topics | Search
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Board Administrator
Username: mjm

Post Number: 3265
Registered: 11-1998
Posted on Thursday, July 07, 2005 - 9:29 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Honorable Mention
On Restraint
DarkWind (Derek Manuel)

If I turned to you, Rose,
if I set down my hamburger and
interrupted you eating your shrubbery,

and I said, "My love for you knows no bounds;
because love knows nothing;
love is stupid," would you

after thinking for a moment, say,
"How beautiful this thing love
must be, which reaches from the rose garden,
where it unfolds, unashamed,
unprotected, unafraid, to the depths of the ocean,
fierce as a barracuda, to the top of an oak tree,
wise as an owl, still wondering who, to the farthest fathom
of space, searing hot as the sun,
lonely as a scream," or smile

slyly, then, "Love knows surely
the bounds of the heart, which is all muscle
and nerves and epithelium,
and within that course plasma and leukocytes and platelets and erythrocytes,
so I can hardly see
how there is much room for love at all,"
chewing on a chunk of pineapple, or,

"Love surely knows nothing, love knows not
when its face is scored with a crystalline
pattern from the sole of a shoe,"

or perhaps, "Love knows the nourishment
of a mother's milk, the warmth
of a lover's breath on the back of the neck, tears
behind a white veil, tears
behind a black veil," or, twisting a shred of lettuce,

gaze down somberly, and whisper,
"Yes, I loved once,"

I wonder, as your right hand
holds a fork which plucks aside a crouton, your left hand

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